Blind Date with a Book Swap

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Registration for this event will close on February 6, 2025 @ 6:15pm.
Contact a staff member to register for this event.
There are 13 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Want to introduce someone to a book  you love? Want to meet a new book? No pressure... Regifting encouraged...

  • Bring one wrapped book. At the event, you will be asked to write a short, catchy description of the book without giving away the title. Then you will be invited to decorate the outside of the bag! Finally, everyone will pick a number from a bowl, and in numerical order, everyone will have a chance to pick one book to take home. We will unwrap the books at the end.
  • Please bring a title you are passionate about to share with others. It must be published within the last 10 years in good to new condition. Can be fiction or nonfiction, please only adult titles. No textbooks. Graphic novels are ok! 
  • Come to the library to register and pick up your kit to wrap and decorate your book!